Mutual Fund Operational Structure

If a mutual fund is construed as a virtual company, its CEO is the fund manager, sometimes called its investment adviser. The fund manager is hired by a board of directors and is legally obligated to work in the best interest of mutual fund shareholders. Most fund managers are also owners of the fund. There are very few other employees in a mutual fund company:

▪ The investment adviser or fund manager may employ some analysts to help pick investments or perform market research.

▪ A fund accountant is kept on staff to calculate the fund's NAV, the daily value of the portfolio that determines if share prices go up or down.

▪ Mutual funds need to have a compliance officer or two, and probably an attorney, to keep up with government regulations. Most mutual funds are part of a much larger investment company; the biggest have hundreds of separate mutual funds. Some of these fund companies are names familiar to the general public, such as Fidelity Investments, The Vanguard Group, T. Rowe Price, and Oppenheimer.

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